Title: Cameron’s Contract
Author: Vanessa Fewings
Genre: Romantic Erotica
Release Date: May 2015
Series: Enthrall Sessions #2
Length: Novella
Enemies swirl. Boundaries break. Love shatters.
The master is being challenged like never before, but those who
claw for his possessions will feel his wrath. Billionaire Cameron Cole is a man
without equal. For his true wealth is his intellect.
Words bind, and once ink soaks paper, lives change.
With Cameron’s Contract, the second novella in the
bestselling Enthrall Sessions, author Vanessa Fewings raises the stakes
and deepens the passion for a world renowned psychiatrist and his beloved
~About the
Vanessa Fewings is the award-winning author of The Stone
Masters Vampire Series. The fourth installment in the series, Bohemian, was
released in October. Vanessa is currently writing book two in her erotic novel
Enthrall trilogy.
Piper Day's Ultimate Guide to Avoiding George Clooney is
her latest novel. Co-written with Author Christina Cannarella, their fresh and
laugh out loud romantic comedy has already garnered a buzz of excitement from
readers around the world.
Prior to publishing, Vanessa worked as a registered
nurse and midwife. She holds a Masters Degree in Psychology. She has traveled
extensively throughout the world and has lived in Germany, Hong Kong, and
Cyprus. Born and raised in England, Vanessa now proudly calls herself an
American and resides in California with her husband.
Vanessa Fewings is repped by management firm IPG.
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